Friday, December 5, 2008

Relentless Self-publicity

I got my face in the newspaper again this week. Call me a relentless self-publicist if you like! On this occasion it was an Advent Carol Service which we put on to co-incide with the turning on of the North End Christmas Lights. I wanted to show that the church is not anti-trade. We want shops and businesses to thrive. (I need to go shopping too, you know!). However, through the Carol Service, I hoped to encourage people to remember the underlying importance of the Christmas story.

It was a fairly unremarkable news item. The headline "Vicar leads Service" is hardly going to get the international news-wires in a flap! But that's the great thing about a local newspaper. A good one can help churches and community organisations to get their message out.

Anyway, here's a rather low-res version of the photo of me lighting some candles!